Tag Archives: Money

Great Opportunity That is Based on a Need!

One thing people will always buy, no matter the cost…Fuel. Petrol. Diesel.

However you say it, we all feel the same about it…a necessary and painful expense.

By partnering with Syntek Global, you can personally provide a way to ease that pain. You can save people a good amount of money on driving expenses. In fact, you and others actually make money just by using Xtreme Fuel Treatment or XFT. If you’ve seen what XFT can do, then you know what we are talking about. If you haven’t heard what an amazing thing XFT is, you are about to! Click below to watch a quick video that explains all about it.

Click to Play the Video

Did You Know?

Countries all over the world have pledged to reduce emissions by upwards of 15%- 30% by the year 2020. How will they do this? They have no idea!

XFT reduces emissions by about 1/3. Some tests show even better than that. XFT is a simple, effective, immediate answer to this problem. And it actually costs you less to use than not to use it.

Click Here to Become a Syntek Distributor

Talk About A Wide-Open Opportunity!

It’s simple to become a distributor. Just send people to your website that Syntek Global create for you. They take the orders and ship the products. Your part is to spread the word for them. By becoming a Syntek Global Distributor, you will earn money every time someone makes a purchase.

Syntek Global pays their distributors in 9 different ways, including Direct Sales Commissions, Team Sales Commissions, Check Maching Commissions, and a number of bonuses including the incredible INFINITY Bonus which is unmatched in its ability to earn you money.



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